Neither the banana, nor the kiwi, nor the guava. The fruit that brings the vast majority of minerals and vitamins is the Indian Tuno. A laboratory scientifically certifies the high values of this humble fruit, which is "the most complete of those studied."
Much more potassium than banana and date, vitamin E, magnesium, calcium, vitamin K and so countless minerals and vitamins brings together Indian tuno. At the request of the pioneer producer of juice and jams of this little valued fruit, Leo Araya Sánchez, a laboratory confirms its important nutritional contribution.
Aloe Vera Tuno Indio Juice Penca Zäbila. 100% Health to drink
Penca Zabila Aloe Vera Tuno Indio Juice, the natural best powerfull health combitation. Regeneration and the highest vitamin and minerals natural coctail for your health. Penca Zabila Canary Islands Aloe Vera. Health improve