THE ALOE VERA against HAIR LOSS, regenerates the tissues and capillaries of the scalp, strengthening your hair.
Stress, a deficient diet, hormonal disorders or the misuse of hair cosmetics increasingly lead the population to hair loss and problems related to the health of their hair.
The FRESH FRESH ALOE VERA is a very effective solution against hair loss, since its composition resembles that of keratin, strengthening the capillary structure, also its amino acid complexes are similar to those of the hair follicle, revitalizing its roots . To all this is added its bactericidal and fungicidal action, regulating the excess of fat, facilitating the elimination of seborrhea and dead cells accumulated in the scalp, regenerating the tissues of the scalp and its capillaries.
AVOID products made with dehydrated Aloe Vera powders or pasteurized since these dehydration processes and high temperatures destroy the active principles of Aloe Vera and therefore never offer the benefits of fresh and pure natural aloe vera.
USE only Pure Aloe Vera since creams, soaps, shampoos and other cosmetic products contain a very small amount of Aloe Vera (usually less than 1% and from dehydrated powders) so you will not find in them the benefits you will get if you use a Pure and Natural Fresh Aloe Vera.
• Deep cleaning: Aloe vera easily penetrates the skin of the scalp, opening its pores, driving all the impurities to the surface to eliminate them easily. The combination of amino acids and polysaccharides cleanse and regenerate healthy tissues.
• Eliminates fat and seborrhea: as in the previous case, it expels the deposits of fat that clog the hair follicles. The symptoms disappear from the first applications.
• Elimination of dandruff: aloe vera combats dandruff and prevents its reappearance. It is possible that in the first application an increase of the loose dandruff in the hair is observed, that is because the Aloe Vera detaches the layer adhered to the skin, but it is eliminated with a simple brushing. In successive applications the dandruff disappears completely.
• Nutritious: contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals that nourish and revitalize the hair giving strength and shine.
• Regenerator: helps the blood supply that hair follicles so badly need for proper hair growth and slowing down hair loss.
• Conditioner: by having substances of similar composition to the keratin, aloe vera rejuvenates the hair, providing it with the same nutrients and resulting in brighter, elastic and flexible hair.
• Combats Alopecia and hair loss: In cases of alopecia type seborrheic or areata, produced by an excess of sebaceous secretions on the scalp on the one hand, or by some disease or injury in the case of the areata, aloe vera could regenerate part of the lost hair, as long as the root has not died.
Apply Juice or Pure Fresh Gel of Aloe Vera on the scalp and hair with a light massage to stimulate the blood supply as well as the deep penetration of the product.
Your strong and healthy hair with Pure and Natural Fresh Aloe Vera, Penca Zabila from the Canary Islands

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