Pure Aloe Juice enhances the immune system and disease defenses
"The anti-inflammatory effect of aloe vera is not well studied; however, studies conducted in this thesis show that aloe vera is a potent inhibitor of the production of pro-inflammatory stimuli. Even treatment with aloe vera juice could help to correct imbalances of the immune system responsible for many diseases with inflammatory bowel involvement, such as inflammatory bowel disease, liver cirrhosis or spinal cord injury, "says Tatiana Yebra.
Chemotherapeutic agents in cancer cases. "" Therefore, aloe vera extract could be a good adjuvant in patients receiving chemotherapy treatments, "he said.
Tatiana Yebra warns that the best way to take aloe vera is in juice or pure gel, free of aloin or lyophilized.
Fuente: Tesis de la doctora Tatiana Yebra dirigida por expertos de la UAH, entre ellos, D. José Miguel Zapata Martínez, del departamento de Ciencias de la Vida de la UAH. Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (UAH). Madrid. España. http://portalcomunicacion.uah.es/diario-digital/reportaje/ediuna-tesis-doctoral-de-la-uah-prueba-que-el-extracto-puro-de-aloe-vera-es-un-potente-regenerador-celular-con-capacidad-reguladora-y-moduladora-del-sistema-inmune.html