Kanarisches natürliches Aloe-Gel

Kanarisches natürliches Aloe-Gel

Aloe Vera Gel

Rein natürlicher frischer Aloe-Saft

Rein natürlicher frischer Aloe-Saft


Bio-Aloe-Blätter und -Pflanzen

Bio-Aloe-Blätter und -Pflanzen

Blätter und Pflanzen

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Kostenloser Versand, Zoll & Sicher

Kostenloser Versand

Aloe Vera Blog

Frische, Reine und Natürliche Kanaren Aloe Vera
Frische, Reine und Natürliche Kanaren Aloe Vera

Bei Penca Zabila stellen wir seit 2002 die beste reine Aloe Vera her. Seine Qualität ist unbestreitbar. Sie wurde vom Spektrallabor Köln (Deutschland) wissenschaftlich als eine der besten Aloesorten der Welt zertifiziert.

Mit unseren reinen Aloe Vera-Produkten von den Kanarischen Inseln helfen wir Ihnen, Ihre Gesundheit zu verbessern und Lebensenergie und Schönheit zu bewahren. Aloe-Vera-Saft dient als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und hilft allen Menschen, ihren Körper in gutem Zustand zu halten, die Zellen kontinuierlich zu regenerieren und die Abwehrkräfte zu stärken.

Auch Menschen, die an einer Krankheit leiden, greifen zu reiner Aloe Vera von den Kanarischen Inseln. Dies ist eine wesentliche natürliche Verstärkung, die ihnen hilft, die Wirkung ihrer Hauptbehandlung zu verstärken..


What can you find in our online store?

In our online store you can purchase our pure, fresh natural Aloe Vera Juice and Gel, as well as Aloe Tuno, Aloe Honey, Premium Organic Aloe Plants and Leaves and all our products contain the highest level of purity, 99.7% of fresh organic aloe, not pasteurized or not dehydrated powders.

In our online store you will find:


 Aloe vera juice

 Superfoods aloe vera

 aloe vera gel

 Leaves and Plants aloe vera


Penca Zábila is a highly recognized brand that carries out the production and marketing of pure aloe vera from the Canary Islands at a national and international level.


Why buy aloe vera from the Canary Islands?

✓ In our aloe vera production factory, equipped with an exclusive Airless cold tunnel during the entire production process, it allows us to obtain pure aloe vera, free of bacteria and without contact with air.

✓We exclusively process pure pulp from the inside of selected fresh aloe leaves from mother plants 12 to 20 years old, organically grown outdoors in areas of exceptional quality,

✓ Our aloe vera products are of the highest quality due to their purity, freshness and natural composition. In addition, they do not contain dehydrated or pasteurized powders or added water. They also do not contain parabens, carbomers, paraffins, dyes, perfumes, flavorings or silicones. In addition to being free of aloin and emodins

✓ We use 2.7 kilos of fresh aloe leaves for every liter of Juice or Gel that we package.

✓ The scientific analyzes carried out by the Spektral laboratories of Germany and the Atlantic Drug Center for Aloe Penca Zábila found unusual concentrations of Acemannan of 23.3% of the total solids and 2884 p.p.m.

✓ We are one of the most certified brands in the sector. Our specialized biologist manages and endorses the entire cultivation and production process. In addition, we subject our aloe to permanent controls by independent laboratories.

✓ It is no coincidence that our factory and crops are located in the southeast of Tenerife, where a unique microclimate favors the cultivation of Aloe Vera, native to these latitudes. Here the plants reach their maximum splendor and power and you will not have to come and get them from thousands of kilometers away.

✓ We use state-of-the-art GLASS & HDPE2 reciclablee packaging for our pure aloe vera from the Canary Islands. Our packaging allows us to guarantee maximum food safety and prevents the entry of oxygen and light with micro dosers valves, preserving the full benefits and properties of aloe vera. Penca Zabila until the end of its consumption.



We are prepared to send you any of our products (juice, gel, super foods, live plants and fresh leaves) directly from our factory and distribution center to your hands anywhere in the world with the guarantee of maximum freshness.

Place your order now and we will deliver your pure aloe vera products from Canary Islands by hand, in your own home, with completely FREE Shipping, Customs and Full Insurance.

Aloe-Saft · Aloe-Gel · Aloe-Kaktus · Aloe-Honig · Aloe-Pflanzen · Aloe-Blätter · Aloe-Geschenkkörbe


No Parabenos
No Carbomer
No Paraffin
No Colorants
No Perfume
Sin agua añadida
Hojas Frescas 2700
100% Natural
Aloe Vera Canario
Hecho en Canarias
No testado en animales
BR recomienda Pencazabila
La Sexta Recomienda


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Aloe Vera Saft Penca Zábila

Aloe Vera Saft Penca Zábila


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